
Friday, 20 October 2017

Comprehension - The Big Dig

  1. What happened on the night of the 19th August 2011? the ground can hold no more water. A torrent of rocks and mud pours down, burying the highway and spilling into the Manawatū River.
  2. What did experts decided to cut the landslip into? The Manawatū Gorge cuts a deep course between the Ruahine and Tararua ranges.
  3. What made it tough for workers to work on the slip? Because they needed more repairs.
  4. Why did they keep the road closed for so long? Because the water is going through to much that it can’t hold the road any more that’s why they closed the road for long.   
  5. What happened when they first re-opened the road?  but the road had to be made safe. Some people were affected more than others.
  6. How long was the road officially closed for? The middle of the year.
  7. What two major towns is the Manawatu gorge between? It was between Hawke’s Bay.
  8. Why do you think the workers wanted to wait until it was safe? Because it will still not be safe that's why day wait until it was safe.
  9. What do you think David McGonigal meant when he said “No slip in New Zealand’s modern history has had such an enormous impact and affected so many people?” because they think the road was safe.
  10. Do you think there will be a chance for another slip in the gorge? No.

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